It would appear that its been over a month since I updated Moliblog.
I’ve been very busy and very lazy. Not only have I not updated my blog which I pay to write and I’ve not been to the gym for ages which I also pay to use. Guilty isn’t a strong enough word for how I feel. I eat all the wrong things and can’t find the will power to stop and go to the gym. I know its in my interests to be healthy but doughnuts and chocolates taste so good. I need help!!!
On a less depressing note I’ve been enjoying the arrival of various ships and boats for the Queens Diamond Jubilee Pageant.
The plan I’m told it to assemble around 1000 craft on Sunday 3rd June. The weather looks terrible but I’m going to go along anyway and take some pictures and maybe see the Queen. It looks to be a once in a lifetime experience but the big worry beyond the weather and getting up at 6am is the 1 million people who are expected to line the route. Two things I hate are crowds and the lack of toilet facilities which I know will be a problem for my old man bladder. I really don’t want a big Moli puddle but it would ensure that I get plenty of space around me and something to write about in my next blog…